🛠️ Major Gunship Devlog: Enhanced Effects, Sound Improvements, and Beta Release drawing near announcement!

Big progress 

As development continues on Gunship, I wanted to provide you with an update on my progress. Please note that it's a solo project. Here's a straightforward overview of the recent developments:


Between 08.10 and 08.11, there won't be any updates to Gunship or The Husk, my other ongoing project, as I'll be on vacation during that period. However, I am actively working on The Husk as my secondary project.


Since I recently resumed development on Gunship, here's what I've been working on:

  1. 🛠️Enhanced Effects: I've given a major overhaul to the visual effects for all the weapons. This includes revamping the UI elements, adding more visual indicators for gameplay feedback, and improving the overall look and feel of the game.
  2. 🛠️Sound Improvements: I've taken steps to make the audio experience even better. This involves adding sound effects to all weapons, refining the existing sounds, and ensuring that they complement the gameplay seamlessly.
  3. 🛠️Ammo Spread: I've introduced ammo spread mechanics to enhance the gameplay for automatic weaponry. This improvement is aimed at making the shooting experience more enjoyable and realistic.
  4. 🛠️New Models: I've created new models for the plane and its wings, which will add to the overall visual appeal of the game.
  5. 🛠️Improved Route Method: The plane now follows an entirely new route method, which should make the gameplay more engaging and dynamic.
  6. 🛠️Hitbox Refinements: I've worked on fixing most hitbox issues, making them easier to hit on various vehicles. This tweak should improve accuracy and precision during gameplay.
  7. 🛠️Audio Adjustments: I've adjusted and prioritized certain sounds to prevent sound clipping issues, ensuring that the audio experience remains immersive.
  8. 🛠️Impact Effects: I've added effects for ammunition hitting the ground or structures, adding realism and visual feedback to the game environment.

Beta? When? 📢

In addition to these developments, I'm happy to announce that I'll be releasing a beta version of Gunship as soon as possible on Steam aswell.

While there are still some known bugs that I am actively working to iron out, I'm committed to delivering a polished and enjoyable gaming experience. I look forward to sharing more updates as Gunship continues to progress.

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