Another & better version, 1.4.3 is here!

Skipped uploading 1.4.2 to make a greater change after a night's work directly to 1.4.3

Hey there, fearless explorers of the unknown! I've got some news to share about your favorite horror adventure, The Husk. Prepare for an even better experience with these latest changes and additions:

πŸŒ‡Small map changes: I've made subtle changes to the game environment. Some corridors now feature permanent walls that won't budge, no matter how things get. Plus, I've tweaked the wall positioning to keep you guessing!

πŸ”¦ Flickering Fear:  Your trusty beam will now flicker in response to in-game events, adding a layer of suspense and making every shadow-filled corner feel more ominous.

πŸ”Š Deceptive Distrust: The Husk has stepped up its game (again)! Occasionally, it will employ fake signal sounds to throw you off its scent. Can you trust your ears when you can't trust your eyes?

πŸšͺDead Ends: I've heard your feedback! I've either reduced the number of dead ends or made them shorter, so you won't get stuck in those situations for too long.

πŸ—ΊοΈ Dynamic Dread: Hold onto your sanity as "The Husk" takes a new twist. The Husk can now influence the map layout of walls, depending on specific game events as you progress. Expect the unexpected as you navigate its ever-changing labyrinth.

πŸ“œ Spread-Out Secrets: I've changed some note positions, spreading them further apart from each other. After many playthroughs, it seemed they were quite short. Now, uncovering the secrets will require even more exploration and bravery!

πŸŒ† Landmarks: You'll now encounter even more distinctive landmarks within the maze. Though the walls may change the landmarks won't.

πŸ“ Convenient Note Viewing: Say goodbye to the annoying and hard-to-reach "Esc"! I've listened to your feedback, and you can now exit the inspect view with ease using the "Q" key.

With these updates, The Husk promises an even more unpredictable journey..  Dive in now and discover the horrors that await! Good luck... you're going to need it. πŸ’€πŸŒ™

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